
Trademark Registration in China

Trademark Registration in China: 


As one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing markets, China offers immense opportunities for businesses seeking global expansion. However, with the vast potential comes the risk of brand infringement and imitation. Trademark registration in China is essential for safeguarding your brand’s integrity and maintaining a competitive edge in this dynamic marketplace. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of trademark registration in China, highlighting its significance and the benefits it brings to brand owners.

  • Understanding the Importance of Trademark Registration in China:

1.1 Legal Protection:

Trademark registration in China grants you exclusive rights to use your brand name, logo, or slogan for the specific goods or services you offer. It provides the legal foundation to protect your brand from unauthorized use and counterfeit products.

1.2 Market Credibility:

A registered trademark enhances your brand’s credibility among Chinese consumers, instilling trust and confidence in the authenticity of your products or services.

  • The Trademark Registration Process in China:

2.1 Preliminary Search:

Conduct a preliminary trademark search in the China Trademark Office’s database to ensure that your desired mark is available and not already registered by another entity.

2.2 Trademark Application:

Submit a trademark application to the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA). The application should include detailed information about your mark and its intended use.

  • Classification of Goods and Services:

Classify your goods and services according to the Nice Classification system, which categorizes products and services into 45 classes. Accurate classification ensures proper protection for your brand.

  • Examination and Publication:

The CNIPA will examine your trademark application to check for any conflicts with existing trademarks. If approved, your mark will be published in the Trademark Gazette for potential oppositions.

  • Trademark Registration:

If there are no oppositions or if they are resolved in your favor, the CNIPA will grant you trademark registration, providing protection for ten years with the option to renew indefinitely.

  • Benefits of Trademark Registration in China:

6.1 Brand Protection:

Registered trademarks in China offer a solid legal foundation to defend your brand from infringement and counterfeit activities in the booming Chinese market.

6.2 Market Expansion:

With a registered trademark in hand, you can confidently expand your business in China, knowing that your brand is well-protected and recognized by consumers.

  • Enforcing Trademark Rights:

Trademark owners in China should actively monitor the market and take prompt action against any unauthorized use or infringement of their registered marks to maintain the strength of their brand.


Trademark registration in China is an essential strategy for brand owners looking to capitalize on the vast opportunities presented by this thriving market. By securing exclusive rights to your mark, you can protect your brand’s reputation and deter counterfeit activities. Initiate the trademark registration process early to establish a strong presence in China and ensure the long-term success of your brand.


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Rs. 3,999/-

Filing of Trademark in One Class

Use TM Over Your Trademark

User Affidavit Drafting

User Affidavit Drafting

Classification of Trademark

Classification of Trademark

Trademark Availability Search

Consultation With IPR Advisor

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Filing of Trademark in One Class

User Affidavit Drafting

Use TM Over Your Trademark

Classification of Trademark

  • Trademark Objection Reply
  • Trademark Availability Search
  • Trademark Hearing
  • No hidden charges
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