

Trademark registration Online by the Expert of Ipradvisorindia

Register your to  safeguarding your brand identity is crucial for long-term success. One effective way to achieve this is through trademark registration.

Advantages of Trademark Registration

  • Legal Protection: Securing Exclusive Rights
  • Nationwide Recognition and Brand Establishment
  • Deterrent for Potential Infringers
  • Building Trust and Credibility with Customers

Trademark certificate

Trademark Registration in India

Trademark registration in India is an important step in protecting your unique brand identity. Registering your trademark protects it from unauthorized use and establishes a unique footprint in the market.

We provide complete trademark registration services, including:

  • Conducting a Comprehensive Trademark Search
  • assist in filing applications
  • Dealing with the Registrar of Trademarks.
  • Preparation and drafting of all documents
  • Regular updates on progress of TM applications.
  • Prompt resolution of any concerns or questions.
  • ensuring a smooth, efficient registration process

Types of Trademarks

Service Marks: Example: “MasterCard” logo or “FedEx” for courier services. Service marks identify and differentiate services rather than tangible goods. They function similarly to trademarks but apply to service-oriented businesses.
Certification marks: Example: “UL” for safety certification or “Organic” for organic products. Certification marks indicate that goods or services meet certain standards, properties, or criteria set by an organization or authority. These are used to assure consumers of the quality or authenticity of products.
Collective mark: Example: “Made in Italy” logo or “PGA Tour” for professional golfers. Collective marks identify goods or services that come from members of a specific organization, association, or group. They indicate a common origin or membership.
Fanciful trademarks: Example: “Xerox” for copiers or “Kodak” for cameras. Fictional marks are invented words that have no meaning before they are used as trademarks. They offer the highest level of exclusivity and security.

Advantage of Trademark Registration

Exclusive Rights:
 Trademark registration provides the owner with exclusive rights to use the trademark in connection with the goods or services specified in the registration. This helps prevent others from using a similar or identical mark, reducing the risk of confusion among consumers.
Brand Protection: Registering a trademark helps protect your brand identity and reputation. It provides legal recourse and the ability to take legal action against anyone infringing upon your trademark, such as unauthorized use or counterfeiting. Trademark registration acts as a deterrent and reinforces your brand’s integrity.
Nationwide or Global Protection:
Trademark registration typically grants protection across the entire country where it is registered, providing broader territorial coverage. Additionally, through international treaties and agreements, trademark registration can be extended to other countries, allowing for global protection of your brand,
Consumer Trust and Recognition:
A registered trademark adds credibility and trustworthiness to your brand. It helps consumers identify and distinguish your products or services from competitors, leading to increased brand recognition and customer loyalty.
Business Asset and Value:
 A registered trademark can become a valuable business asset. It can appreciate in value over time as your brand reputation grows, and it can be licensed, franchised, or sold to generate revenue or attract investors.
Marketing and Advertising Advantages:
Trademark registration provides marketing and advertising advantages. It allows you to display the ® symbol, indicating that your trademark is registered, which can enhance your brand’s professional image. It also prevents competitors from using similar marks, ensuring that your marketing efforts are not diluted or confused with others.
Prevention of Trademark Squatting:
 By registering your trademark, you establish your prior rights and make it easier to prevent others from registering or using a similar mark in bad faith. This helps protect your brand from opportunistic individuals who may attempt to profit from your reputation or popularity.
Statutory Damages and Remedies:
 Trademark registration enables you to seek statutory damages and remedies in case of trademark infringement.


Trademark Search:
Before applying for trademark registration, it is recommended to conduct a search to ensure that there are no similar or identical trademarks already registered or pending in the same class of goods or services. The search helps identify potential conflicts and avoids rejection of the application.
Filing the Application:
Once we have conducted a trademark search, you can proceed with filing the trademark application. The application can be filed online through the official website of the Trademark Registry or submitted physically at one of the Trademark Offices in India.
Application Examination:
After filing the application, the Trademark Registry examines it to verify compliance with the provisions of the Trademarks Act, 1999. The examination includes assessing the distinctiveness of the mark, potential conflicts with existing trademarks, and compliance with other legal requirements.
Response to Examination Report:
If any objections or deficiencies are raised in the examination report, we have the opportunity to respond within the stipulated period (usually 30 days) by addressing the objections or providing necessary clarifications. It is essential to respond comprehensively and provide supporting arguments or evidence, if required.
Publication in Trademark Journal:
If the registrar is satisfied with the response, or if no objections are raised, the trademark application is published in the Trademark Journal. The purpose of publication is to allow any third party to oppose the registration within a specified period (usually four months) from the date of publication.
Opposition Proceedings:
During the opposition period, if any person believes that trademark registration may cause confusion or conflicts with their existing rights, they can file a notice of opposition. Both parties have an opportunity to present their arguments, evidence, and counter-arguments in the opposition proceedings.
Registration and Certificate:
If no opposition is filed within the stipulated period or if the opposition is resolved in your favor, the Trademark Registry proceeds with the registration process. Upon registration, a Trademark Registration Certificate is issued, confirming the registration of your trademark.
Trademark registrations in India are valid for ten years from the date of application. To maintain the trademark’s protection, you need to file for renewal within the prescribed period, which is six months before the expiration date or within an additional grace period of six months with a late fee.


Filing Fees:The filing fees for a trademark application depend on whether the applicant is an individual, a startup, a small enterprise, or a large enterprise. The fees also vary based on the number of classes under which the trademark is being registered. The filing fees for an individual applicant or a startup/small enterprise range from INR 4,500 to INR 9,000 per class. For a large enterprise, the fees range from INR 9,000 per class.es.
Attorney Fees:
If you choose to engage a trademark attorney or a trademark agent to assist you with the registration process, their professional fees will be an additional cost. The attorney fees can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the services provided.
Search Fees:
Conducting a trademark search is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to identify potential conflicts. The cost of a trademark search can vary depending on whether you conduct it independently using online search tools or engage a professional search service.
Government Charges: 
Apart from the filing fees, there are certain additional charges payable to the government, such as the fee for issuance of the Trademark Registration Certificate and the fee for filing a trademark renewal application.


Filing of Application:
The initial step involves filing the trademark application with the Trademark Registry. Once the application is submitted, you will receive an acknowledgment receipt, usually within a few days of filing.
Examination and Issuance of Examination Report:
After filing, the Trademark Registry examines the application, which includes assessing the compliance of the mark with the legal requirements. The examination report, stating any objections or deficiencies, is typically issued within 3 to 6 months from the date of filing.
Response to Examination Report:
If any objections or deficiencies are raised in the examination report, you have a specific period (usually 30 days) to respond with appropriate arguments, evidence, or amendments to overcome the objections. This response period can be extended by an additional month upon request.
Publication and Opposition Period:
If the examiner is satisfied with the response, or if no objections are raised, the trademark application is published in the Trademark Journal. The publication allows third parties to oppose the registration within a period of four months from the date of publication. If there are no oppositions or if any oppositions are successfully resolved, the application proceeds to registration.
Registration and Issuance of Certificate:
Once the opposition period is completed without any opposition or if the opposition is resolved in your favor, the Trademark Registry proceeds with the registration process. The registration certificate is typically issued within a few months after the completion of the opposition period. The certificate confirms the registration of your trademark.

Checklist for Trademark Filing in India

Identify the Trademark: Determine the specific trademark you want to register, whether it’s a wordmark, logo, or a combination of both. Make sure it is distinctive and not similar to any existing trademarks.

Conduct a Trademark Search: Perform a comprehensive search to check if there are any similar or identical trademarks already registered or pending in the same class of goods or services. This step helps avoid potential conflicts and rejection of your application.

Choose the Correct Classification: Determine the appropriate class or classes under which your goods or services fall. The Nice Classification system is used in India, which categorizes goods and services into 45 different classes. Ensure that you select the relevant classes for your trademark application.

Applicant Details: Gather the necessary information about the applicant, including the name, address, nationality, and entity type (individual, company, partnership, etc.).

Power of Attorney: If you are using a trademark agent or attorney to file the application on your behalf, you may need to provide a power of attorney authorizing them to act on your behalf.

Description of Goods/Services: Prepare a clear and accurate description of the goods or services associated with your trademark. This description should be in line with the selected class or classes.

Trademark Representation: Create a clear representation of your trademark, whether it’s a wordmark, logo, or a combination. Ensure that the representation meets the specified format and size requirements.

Specimen of Use: If your trademark is already in use in India, you may need to submit a specimen showing the actual use of the mark on the goods or in relation to the services.

Power of Attorney (POA): If you are appointing a trademark agent or attorney to file the application on your behalf, you may need to provide a power of attorney document duly signed.

Payment of Fees: Prepare the required filing fees and any other associated fees, such as fees for multiple classes or expedited processing, if applicable. The fees can be paid online or through a demand draft, as per the guidelines provided by the Trademark Registry.

Review and Submission: Double-check all the information, documents, and forms before submitting the trademark application. Ensure that everything is accurate, complete, and in accordance with the prescribed format.

Our skilled professionals are adept at performing these microscopic searches and interpreting the results.

We strive to ensure that you have the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about your trademark.

Navigating Common Challenges in Trademark Registration

Trademark registration can sometimes present challenges that need to be navigated carefully. Here are some common challenges that may arise during the trademark registration process and tips on how to address them:

Trademark Availability: One of the primary challenges is ensuring that your proposed trademark is available for registration and does not conflict with existing trademarks. Conduct a comprehensive trademark search before filing the application to identify any potential conflicts. If similar trademarks are found, consider modifying your mark or seeking legal advice on the likelihood of registration.

Descriptive or Generic Trademarks: Trademarks that are purely descriptive or generic in nature may face difficulties during registration. The trademark should be distinctive and capable of distinguishing your goods or services from others. If your mark is initially rejected as descriptive, you can argue for acquired distinctiveness by providing evidence of its extensive use and recognition in the mark.

Office Actions or Objections: The trademark office may issue office actions or objections regarding the registrability of your mark. Common objections include lack of distinctiveness, similarity to existing marks, or improper classification. Carefully review the objections and respond within the specified time frame with well-reasoned arguments and supporting evidence, if applicable. Seek professional assistance if necessary.

Opposition Proceedings: After your trademark application is published, third parties have an opportunity to oppose the registration if they believe it conflicts with their existing rights. If you receive an opposition, carefully evaluate the grounds raised and prepare a strong defense. Gather evidence and legal arguments to support the distinctiveness and non-conflicting nature of your mark. Engage a trademark attorney to guide you through the opposition proceedings.

Trademark Infringement: Even after successfully registering your trademark, you may encounter instances of infringement by others. Monitor the market for potential infringement and take appropriate action to enforce your trademark rights. Consult with an attorney to understand the available remedies and to strategize the most effective course of action.

Renewal and Maintenance: Trademark registrations have specific renewal requirements, such as filing renewal applications and declarations of use within specified time frames. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the cancellation or expiration of your trademark registration. Stay informed about renewal deadlines and seek professional assistance to ensure timely compliance.

International Trademark Protection: If you plan to expand your business internationally, consider obtaining trademark protection in other jurisdictions. Navigating the requirements and procedures for international trademark registration, such as through the Madrid Protocol, can be complex.

Consult with an attorney specializing in international trademark law to guide you through the process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trademark

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a distinctive sign, such as a word, logo, symbol, design, or combination thereof, used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one business from those of others.

Why is trademark registration important?

Trademark registration provides legal protection and exclusive rights to the owner over the trademark. It helps prevent others from using similar marks in the same or related industries, strengthens brand recognition, and enables legal action against potential infringers.

 How long does trademark registration last?

Trademark registrations are typically valid for a specific period, which varies depending on the jurisdiction. In many countries, including the United States, the registration is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely as long as the mark continues to be used.

Can I trademark a name or slogan?

 Yes, names and slogans can be trademarked as long as they meet the criteria for trademark registration. They must be distinctive, not generic or descriptive, and not likely to cause confusion with existing trademarks.

What is the difference between ™ and ® symbols?

The ™ symbol is used to indicate that a trademark is being claimed, even if it is not registered. On the other hand, the ® symbol is used to indicate that the trademark is registered with the appropriate trademark authority.

Can I trademark a logo and a word together?

 Yes, it is possible to trademark a combination of a logo and a word together, known as a composite mark. This provides protection to both the logo and the word when used together as a distinctive identifier.

How long does it take to register a trademark?

The timeframe for trademark registration can vary depending on the jurisdiction and various factors such as the workload of the trademark office, objections, or oppositions. It typically ranges from several months to a few years.

 Do I need a lawyer to register a trademark?

While it is not mandatory to hire a lawyer for trademark registration, it is advisable to seek legal assistance, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process or face any complexities. A trademark attorney can provide guidance, conduct searches, ensure compliance, and increase the chances of a successful registration.

Can I trademark a domain name?

In some cases, domain names can be trademarked if they meet the necessary criteria for distinctiveness and are used in commerce to identify goods or services. However, trademark registration does not automatically grant rights over a domain name.

Can I use a trademark that is already registered?

Using a trademark that is already registered can infringe upon someone else’s rights and may lead to legal consequences. It is important to conduct a thorough search to ensure the availability of a trademark before using it to avoid potential infringement issues.


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Trademark Availability Search

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Rs. 3,999/-

Filing of Trademark in One Class

Use TM Over Your Trademark

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User Affidavit Drafting

Classification of Trademark

Classification of Trademark

Trademark Availability Search

Consultation With IPR Advisor

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Filing of Trademark in One Class

User Affidavit Drafting

Use TM Over Your Trademark

Classification of Trademark

  • Trademark Objection Reply
  • Trademark Availability Search
  • Trademark Hearing
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